Your metabolism is the engine that runs your body. Fuel it right and it will run at optimum levels to keep off weight by burning more calories. When you clog your engine with poor food and lifestyle choices, your body tends to become sluggish and pounds can pile up.
Why ImLean?
Metabolism naturally slows about 5% per decade after age 40. It is affected by the proportion of lean body mass; the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate tends to be.
ImLean contains unique ingredients that is chosen with full care so that it can help to boost your metabolism to the utmost. The ingredients are:-
Garcinia Cambogia extract
- Resembles mini pumpkin
- Contain Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) that inhibits citrate lyase from turning excess carbohydrates into fats.
- It promotes ocidation of lipids and spares carbohydrates, which results in lower blood levels of cholestrol and lipids.
- Also promotes thermogenesis i.e. the body's production of heat which helps to burn more calories and stored fat.
Acai Berries extract
- Full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential omegas
- Helps to lose weight due to it's high fiber content as it reduces hunger pangs
- High Levels of Vitamin C & E that helps to detoxify your body and increase metabolic rates
- Help in improving your body cell function and in retaining cell moisture as Acai berries have more monounsaturated oleic acid than any other food source.
- Great for reducing cholestrol levels because of it's phytoserols
Noni extract
- Noni's active ingredient (4% Morindin) helps to boost metabolism rate in the body
- Detoxifies and flushes excess waste from the body
- Burns fat and reduces bloating
- Helps to increase the levels of natural biochemicals in the body that is associated with weight loss
- Help people to sleep better
- An effective alternative to surpress your appetite and lose unwanted pounds
- EGCG catechins, a powerful antioxidant in green tea increases metabolism which in turn increases energy and fat burning even while you sleep
- Boost immune system which protects you from diseases
- Improving your skin condition and slowing the aging process
- Increase the 24 hour energy expenditure of the body
- Stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity
- Soy consumption can lower LDL blood cholestrol by 60%
- Soy proteins may block fat absorption in the liver
- Contains all the amino acids essential to human nutrition.
- Can replace animal based products which also have complete protein but tend to contain more fat especially saturated fats.
- Contains tetrapeptides, an active agent in fat burning and effective in weight management.
Stevia extract
- Stevia's active ingredient, stevioside is a low calorie sweetener in slimming product which is 300 times sweeter than sugar and has zero calories.
- Reduces cravings for sugary foods
- Fools the body into a state of satiation
- Effectively regulates blood sugar and brings it towards a normal balance
- Increased energy levels and mental activity
- Pure dietary fiber, composed mostly of hemicellulose that act as a sponge in the intestinal tract, swelling as they absorb water and waste material in the bowels.
- Increase bowel movement and reduces the pressure on gastrointestinal walls.
- Increase the bulk of stool and decrease the transit time
- Produce a feeling of fullness that leads to a decrease in food intake.
- 1 tablespoon of psyllium = 14 tablespoon of oat bran
- Removes cholestrol from the digestive system